Arsenal Kaleinar-3B 150mm f/2.8 - Salyut

Ukrainian portrait lens for Salyut/Kiev 80/Kiev 88 medium format SLR cameras. Optics have some cleaning marks, but not excessively and these do not appear to affect images. Optics are rather low on dust. Focusing is a bit dry and a tad on the tight side, but perfectly usable. Aperture is snappy.

100,00 €

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Arsenal Kaleinar-3B 150mm f/2.8 - Salyut

Arsenal Kaleinar-3B 150mm f/2.8 - Salyut


Data sheet

Category Medium Format
Merkki Arsenal
Model Kaleinar-3B 150mm f/2.8
Lens attachment Salyut
Classification B-
Location Turku
Serial Number 881072
